November 08, 2013

IBBC Mobile (Bible Institute)

It’s always so exciting to see God working!  In each location, God has provided for great times of teaching and fellowshipping!  Sparky has mentioned several times how glad he is for the two men God has called to work with us in this ministry (so far)!  They both obviously have the gift of teaching, and both seem to have such a heart for God and His work.  God has also provided for several “surprises” along the way that have been such an encouragement!

We all felt the mobile Bible Institute classes went well in both Dibaya and Idiofa.  When the team arrived in Ilebo, however, there was a bit of a disappointment.  There was a miscommunication, resulting in far fewer students than expected.  They also found out that the transport to the last location was going to cost about 3 times more than they had been told to plan for.  We prayed!  Within 24 hours, God worked miracles! 

Answer to prayer #1: People came to the IBBC Mobile Bookstore to buy materials; many more people than expected, to the point that Sparky had to start turning them away in order to have supplies left for the last location.  Because of this, even with the low number of enrollment in the “program”, the materials, as well as Bibles, have gone out!
Answer to prayer #2: The sale of these materials brought in finances that enabled them to start looking at transport options to that last location. God provided a motorcycle to purchase…for little more than it was going to cost to rent motorcycles to get them to and from the next location.  Having this motorcycle for IBBC will save on traveling costs in the future as well!  (They will bring it back with them in the dug-out canoe…see photo below and let your imagination do the rest…)

Here is the break-down of students for each location:
Dibaya-Lubwe: 9 full-program, 1 short-program, 8 observers
Idiofa: 7 full-program, 13 observers
Ilebo: 5 full-program, 5 observers
Mweka: (starts on Tuesday!)

So far: 48!

First IBBC Mobile trip up the Big Kasai River

Our Local Church

The Building project has begun! Our church has “work day” every Wednesday, and has since last spring. Each week, women come with buckets or jugs and walk all day from the river to the church, about a mile each way, hauling water (we usually have 3-5 at a time; together they carry about 150 gallons of water in a day!). Meanwhile, the men dig out the red clay, add water, and pack the clay mud into a mold to make bricks. In October, we arrived at the target number of these mud bricks, so building began! In the last 3 Wednesdays, almost half the bricks have been laid.  The women still have to carry the water to make the mud-mortar, and the men are doing the mason work.  It has been so exciting to see our church people volunteering their time and energy to get involved in this building project! 

Looking Ahead

Plans have changed a little.  Instead of us hosting the ELBC Director’s Committee meeting here in Dibaya, the meeting’s location has been changed to Kinshasa.  This took a lot of pressure off of us, and now one less thing to prepare for. It also will allow for “wiggle room” in the time needed to get our “exit/return” visas in Kinshasa, so we can get back into the country in August. 

We still have some dates open for furlough meetings.  We will begin working on the schedule again as soon as Sparky returns.  Please continue to pray that we will schedule wisely and be good stewards of the time the Lord has us in the States.  As always, you can check out our calendar on our blog site.

What our next few “seasons” look like, Lord willing:

Nov       10            IBBC teaching team travels to Mweka (nearly 100 miles)
              12-23       IBBC Mobile classes in Mweka
              24-26     IBBC teaching team travels back to Dibaya-Lubwe (the 100-mile dirt road back to Ilebo, then in canoe back to Dibaya)
              28            American Thanksgiving Day (SO much to be thankful for!)
Dec         ?               Excellent’s wedding (marrying Miss Germain)
              2-21         Sparky presents/teaches the next 2 classes to Papa Muna and Papa Excellent…that they plan to teach in the same 4 locations while we are on furlough
                             AND…pack everything we own in as humidity/rat/termite resistant containers as possible
              25            Christmas day (celebrating Christ’s coming with our church family in Dibaya
              29            Last Sunday in Dibaya and saying good-bye “see you again soon”
Jan        1 or 2       Leave Dibaya, heading toward Kinshasa
              3              Submit our applications for “exit/return” visas
              6-9           ELBC Director’s Committee meeting (in Kinshasa)
              16-17       National DRC holidays (praying our visas will be done!)
             20            Leave Kinshasa
              21            Arrive in Boise, Idaho (late evening)
              26            First Baptist Church of Notus, ID

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”  Ecclesiastes 3:1